The Bend +
Snippets from Kettle Creek
Snippets from Kettle Creek
The four Canadian fly guys circled the wide pool at the bend in the creek like marine biologists at Sea World. They looked as if they were trying to coax a fish to take one of their nymphs or wet flies for some kind of evaluation. Their eyes were gazed in the water as they splashed casts upon the surface. They weren’t having any luck. I watched and than realized they must have just been taking samples of the marine life. They would drift their samples for a while and than bring them in and look at them as if they were looking for organism in the water. Then they would switch to a new form of tied fly to sample more creek life.
The white bearded gentleman waded out of the riffles, which entered the deeper pool, and sat on the bank as if contemplating his next offering. I asked if he minded if I give it a try where he was sampling. He gave me a pleasant yes and told me good luck.
I stepped into the water but not as far into the riffles as he was previously. I think it was my third drift through, with me tandem nymphs, that the line stopped and I was fighting a chunky rainbow in the riffling water. The second trout I caught in the riffles the white bearded fellow wanted to know what I was using and I showed him the nymphs.
I never saw the other fellows ever give me a glance to my catches but than again I wasn’t watching their sampling very often. It might have been my 3rd or fourth trout caught that the fellow sampling in the deeper pool below me spoke up. He mentioned to me that there was a big fish swimming around in the pool but wasn’t able to hook into him. A few minutes later he stepped out of the water to join his buddy on shore giving me a chance to fish the deep pool.
I added a little more weight to my leader and started to drift my tandem nymphs through the deeper water. My fly line tipped down and I jerked the line up for the hook set. The nine foot rod bowed with the tight line but there wasn’t much of a give. When the trout took off away from the hook set I knew this trout was heavier than the others. The trout gave up a good battle but it wasn’t after I was able to see the chunky lengthy rainbow that I mentioned to the fellow that I think I caught the big trout he’d been watching. The rainbow rose to the surface as the older gent looked on and agreed with me.
The white bearded gentleman waded out of the riffles, which entered the deeper pool, and sat on the bank as if contemplating his next offering. I asked if he minded if I give it a try where he was sampling. He gave me a pleasant yes and told me good luck.
I stepped into the water but not as far into the riffles as he was previously. I think it was my third drift through, with me tandem nymphs, that the line stopped and I was fighting a chunky rainbow in the riffling water. The second trout I caught in the riffles the white bearded fellow wanted to know what I was using and I showed him the nymphs.
I never saw the other fellows ever give me a glance to my catches but than again I wasn’t watching their sampling very often. It might have been my 3rd or fourth trout caught that the fellow sampling in the deeper pool below me spoke up. He mentioned to me that there was a big fish swimming around in the pool but wasn’t able to hook into him. A few minutes later he stepped out of the water to join his buddy on shore giving me a chance to fish the deep pool.
I added a little more weight to my leader and started to drift my tandem nymphs through the deeper water. My fly line tipped down and I jerked the line up for the hook set. The nine foot rod bowed with the tight line but there wasn’t much of a give. When the trout took off away from the hook set I knew this trout was heavier than the others. The trout gave up a good battle but it wasn’t after I was able to see the chunky lengthy rainbow that I mentioned to the fellow that I think I caught the big trout he’d been watching. The rainbow rose to the surface as the older gent looked on and agreed with me.
I continued to nymph fish the deeper pool and caught one more trout before going back up into the riffles.
After the 4 Canadians left Jeff and I continued to fish for about another half hour before heading back up stream.
Jeff pulled a big rainbow in a deep water run before I got to him. I fished a dry for awhile while he continued to nymph fish in the same pool. It was getting around 6:00 pm when we decided to head towards the truck. We stopped and fished another riffling run that entered into a long stretch of knee high water. There weren’t any risers but after noticing a couple of March Browns, Sulphurs and Gray colored flies I decided to dry fly fish.
My cast was up and across creek. The March Brown Para-Dun drifted upon the surface waves until I saw a surface splash at my imitation. The trout fought hard and heavy in the current with force and aggressiveness.
My cast was up and across creek. The March Brown Para-Dun drifted upon the surface waves until I saw a surface splash at my imitation. The trout fought hard and heavy in the current with force and aggressiveness.
It became a great dry fly fishing experience as Jeff and I were able to raise and hook into some nice evening risers.
After a bit it was getting time to call it quits and head back to camp. After changing clothes we headed over to the Cross Forks Inn to feed up and watch the Penguins beat Ottawa.
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