Just Another Day
It looked like a nice day to go fishing looking out the truck window in my warm truck. The sun was shining and the visual signs of the park looked inviting. The thermostat, in the truck, read 39 degrees so I wasn’t too anxious to get dressed and go out fishing just yet. There were already a couple of vehicles in the lot nearby. I put on a tossle cap and stepped outside. The outside was cold and wasn’t as pleasant as it looked from the truck window. I walked down to the creek to have a look see. Looking over, from the bank, there were three guys fishing down creek. Two with a fly rod and one with spinning gear. Way up creek, at the big bend, were a couple of other fishermen.
The air was chilly but there was no sign of rain and the wind was light. Clouds moved slowly above below the cool blue sky. I fished the same area a week ago but now the water had came down and the flow looked less challenging. It looked like a good day!
Back at the truck I was in no hurry to get started. It was around 11:00 by now but I knew, from last outing, the stoneflies didn’t hatch till around 2:30 or there after. While I was getting my fishing gear on the spin fisherman came to the parking area. He said he hadn’t caught anything and didn’t see anyone else catch anything.
Back, out in the water, it was like the trout just weren’t hungry. The next few hours I only caught one trout and a guy downstream only caught one trout before him and the other guy left. I knew there were trout around but couldn’t figure out what they wanted. Sure they might be lethargic and you have to serve them right in front of their face but I’m sure we had done that without a bite. It’s hard for me to believe they were waiting for the stonefly hatch come 2:00 or so. I mean, there’s times I wake up in the morning and can’t wait for dinner time at the local buffet restaurant but I’de have to eat something before hand!
I was throwing food out in every direction. Tidbits of nymphs, wet flies, San Juans and meaty buggers and Streamers. It was if my offerings smelled like Pepe’ Le Pew and not even a stray cat wanted to get near it. I finally saw my first rise and being I wasn’t doing any good underneath I figured I’de practice my dry fly casting. I knotted on a stonefly dry and start casting it out.
Every once in a while a trout would rise but they didn’t want anything I offered them. There weren’t any stoneflies I saw yet but only these small midges. I watched one fall to the water making a commotion on the water as it skirted the surface till a mouth came up and gulped it in. It had to be a size 22 or less. I’m not crazy about tossing anything less than an18. Even tying 20’s or less is a challenge let alone trying to knot one on. That’s one thing I’ll never understand. Why would a trout refuse a hearty meal but take a morsel instead. Are they really that picky at times?
When a few stoneflies finally started to appear on the water a few more trout started to rise. I was ready for them. It wasn’t a full fledged hatch like the week before but there were enough risers now and then to keep things interesting. After catching my first on a dry a couple of guys walked the bank down towards me and entered the water downstream from me. I think once they saw me catch a trout on top, and saw risers, they knotted on dries also.
Most of the rising trout were near the far bank or far enough away that I needed to make long casts. With the gusts of wind, now and then, it wasn’t easy to know where my dry fly would end up. This is why I use a fast action rod and weight forward line. Also I make more sidearm casts to keep the wind resistance down to a minimum.
We were catching trout anywhere between 8” to 10” mostly but one never knows until you get one in the net.
I made a long cast where one trout seemed to be feeding, at will, within my easy casting range. It took a few casts to get him to rise but he took the stonefly dry as it drifted into his zone. I reared back the long length of line and I hooked him. The rod bent good on the hook set and the battle was on. I knew I had a good lengthy trout by the arc in the rod and the strength of his fight. More than once he fought just below the surface stirring up the water like the Tasmanian Devil itself kicking up dust on his appearance. It took some patience but I got him in the net safely. Nice rainbow!
Continuing casting to risers was a lot more interesting than drifting nymphs or streamers!
I happen to notice one trout just sipping the surface. If I wasn’t looking in his direction I wouldn’t have noticed. I made a cast up creek of his freezing zone with an arc in the fly line so the first thing the trout should see is the stonefly dry and not the tippet or fly line. It was if my dry fly was just resting and drifting on the surface like Daffy Duck drifting peacefully after fighting the wind. The nose of a trout broke the surface and sipped it in like a marshmallow on a cup of hot chocolate. I reared back the rod and the fly line rose off the surface water as quick as the chain off the ground when Barnyard Dawg chases after Foghorn Leghorn. The line tightened and another trout was battling beneath flexing the rod like a cat playing with a stick and string toy! He raced up creek like the Road Runner and then quickly turned down creek like Wiley Coyote being followed by a misguided Acme missile. We fought tooth and nail and I finally won out getting the frisky trout in the net. Another nice size rainbow.
It was just another day in my life casting to rising trout and smoking good cigars.